The ASME B31.3 Process Piping Code provides a minimum set of rules concerning design, materials, fabrication, testing, and examination practices used in the construction of process piping systems. However, B31.3 offers little explanation with respect to the basis or intent of the Code rules. Occasional insight can be gleaned from published interpretations of the Code, but these interpretations are answers to very specific questions asked by Code users. Any conclusions regarding the basis or intent of Code rules must be derived or inferred from the interpretations. This book aims to develop an understanding of the basis and intent of the Code rules.
Like many codes, standards, and specifications, B31.3 can be difficult to understand and apply. There are endless cross references to explore during problem solving and the subject matter often overlaps several technical disciplines. B31.3 assumes that Code users have a good understanding of a broad range of subjects, but experience often shows the extent of understanding to be widely variable and restricted to a specific technical area. This book offers some insight into the basic technologies associated with design, materials, fabrication, testing, and examination of process piping systems.
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