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Friday, October 01, 2010




Please help to answer this Examination?

1. Can you explain in detail three or more major differences between code ANSI B31.1

and code ANSI B31.3?

2. There is a power plant inside a Process refinery. Where exactly the ANSI B31.1 &

ANSI B31.3 scope break occurs?

3. Which of the following piping system is more health hazardous. A) Fuel oil piping b)

Process piping with Caustic c) process piping with HF acid d) Sulphuric acid piping.

4. There is a steam piping with low pocket but without steam trap. What will be worst

consequence of this layout?

5. In what circumstance, the reducer of a pump suction piping will be in bottom flat

position. Explain why the reducer should be so.

6. A P&ID shows a spec break (at Flange) between carbon steel & stainless steel
specification. What additional arrangements you have to make for that dissimilar material
flange joint?

7. A stainless steel piping specification mentions Galvanized carbons steel bolts. What is

your first reaction ti this and how do you rectify it?

8. How many types of piping speciality items do you know? Why it is called a piping

special? Why not we include them in standard piping specification.

9. Draw a typical steam trap station layout and explain why the existence of a by-pass

line around the trap is not a good idea, when the condensate is returning to a condensate


10. Explain what is a “Double block & Bleed” valve? Why we need a bleed valve? When

do we use this?

11. In a typical tie-in where should the spectacle blind be inserted? a) after block valve

and towards existing plant b) before block valve and towards new plant. Explain why.

12. “Stress intensification factor (SIF)” Where do we use this? Explain this term. How

many types of these SIF’s exist?

13. When all design parameters are same, whose thermal expansion is higher among the

following? A) Carbon steel b) Stainless steel c) Duplex steel d) Cast Iron e) Galvanized

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