This Excel book useful for Piping Designers as well Civil Designers. It consists of the following tabs:
You may be interested in the following topics:
- W-Shapes
- M-Shapes
- S-Shapes
- HP-Shapes
- Channels
- MC-Channels
- Angles
- W-Tees
- S-Tees
- Tubing
- Grating
- Bolts
- Grider
- Weights
- Brace Formulas
- Right Angle Triangle Formula
- Oblique Triangle
- Addition Calculator
- Ladder
- Stair
- Vessel Platform
- Pipe Tables
- Ellipsoidal Dish Dimension
- Pipe Spans
- Elbows, Return, Cap
- Tee-Reducers
- Flanges
- Flange Weights
You may be interested in the following topics:
Engineer's Hand Book
Piping Hand Book Data
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